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Quick Overview

Recover Data From Your iPhone - Deleted Contacts, Deleted SMS, Deleted Text Messages, & More.

Product Description

iRecovery Stick is a revolutionary new product designed to recover deleted data from Apple iPhones*. The iRecovery Stick (iRS) is a thumb-drive USB device, about the size of a stick of gum, that will help you recover deleted data as well as other data from your Apple iPhone. Simply connect the iPhone to any PC with the cable included with the iRS and then connect the stick to the same computer through a USB port. Once the two devices are connected; run the built-in software on the iRS and recover the data you are looking for with the click of a button.

The data recovery process will take several hours to complete. However, the iRS is capable of recovering different types of deleted data including:

?SPAN style="FONT: 7pt Times New Roman">牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋 Text messages

?SPAN style="FONT: 7pt Times New Roman">牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋 Contacts

?SPAN style="FONT: 7pt Times New Roman">牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋 Call history

?SPAN style="FONT: 7pt Times New Roman">牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋牋 Calendar entries

The recovery process will also download the contents of the phone such as contacts, call history, text messages, pictures, and all other user data that can normally be backed up. Because of its versatile recovery capabilities and easy-to-use interface, the iRecovery Stick is ideal for professionals who have accidentally deleted important files, employers who have issued iPhones to employees for business purposes, concerned parents, or anyone who may have a need to retrieve a deleted item from an iPhone.

Recover Data Tracking Points!
Now you can track exactly where your iPhone has been. The latest version of the iRecovery Stick allows you to download the data tracking points stored on your iPhone for iOS versions through 4.3.2. Apple stopped storing this data in areas recoverable by the iRecovery Stick in iOS version 4.3.3. If your phone is running iOS v4.3.2 or earlier, the iRecovery Stick will recover every data location point stored in your phone. One phone we tested this feature on had over 10,000 tracking points showing a detailed history of every location that phone was in for the last two years. The data is displayed in Google Earth (separate install) and includes time/date stamps of each location. CLICK HERE for a screenshot of recovered phone tracking locations.

iRecovery Stick - How it Works

The iRecovery Stick runs on Windows XP, Vista, 2000, and 7. It currently supports iPhones running any OS through iOS 5.1.

*Please Note: You must have the PIN for locked phones before performing a recovery.

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