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Quick Overview

Find Pornographic Images on Your Computer.

Product Description

Porn Detection Stick is a thumb drive device that will search through all the images and videos on your computer, scan them for pornographic content, and create a report of suspected pornographic images and videos.

It even scans deleted images and Internet cache files so theres no hiding Internet activity. This means even if Internet Explorer cache files are deleted, many images can still be recovered and scanned for pornography. Best of all, no software is installed on the target machine so they dont know youve performed a search. You can even securely delete objectionable images.

Protect your computer from unwanted pornography. Someone doesnt have to be seeking out pornographic images to contaminate your computer. In fact, many porn sites contain harmful viruses that can do more damage. The Porn Detection Stick offers you peace of mind that your system is clean of unwanted illicit or even illegal images.

Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (Except Deleted Data Recovery)

*Do not remove the stick from your computer while the program is running.

Porn Detection Stick - How it Works

Traditionally, there have been two different approaches to detecting pornographic content. The first approach is to simply determine if an image has too much flesh tones in it. The second approach is to comprise a database of file hashes (a digital signature) of known pornographic images. The first approach often results in too many false positive matches and leaves a number of pornographic images undetected because only one aspect of the images is used to determine if it is pornographic. The second approach is unrealistic in being able to create a comprehensive database due to the sheer number of pornographic images on the web not to mention your definition of porn may be different than whoever created this database. Even if they could catalog all the images form the more than 420 million web pages that contain pornography according to Internet Filter Review, theres always new images being created. Besides this, anyone sharing personal pornographic images not available on commercial sites through e-mail, blogs, forums, online communities, or even personal images are not likely to be found by such methods.

The Porn Detection Stick has implemented a number of methods and algorithms to analyze each image to determine if it may be pornographic in nature. Image Cleanup - within virtual memory, the software cleans up the image for optimum analysis. Skin Detection - this identifies skin tones and texture within the image. Background Elimination - this eliminates background objects from foreground objects so background objects dont skew the results. Edge Detection - identifies the edges of objects. Body Part Separation - separates body parts into separate masses. Negative Curvature Rejection - eliminates objects with negative curves. Elimination - eliminates other objects. Face Detection - identifies faces within the image. Body Part Layout Decision - maps body part distribution and image layout. Decision - classifies image based on data.

Using this series of methods, the Porn Detection Stick is able to filter over 99% of non-pornographic images from a system leaving you with a fraction of the images on a computer to look at. A computer with a 500 GB hard drive was searched using the Porn Detection Stick. Within an hour and a half, the entire computer was searched and over 72,000 images were analyzed producing only around 400 false positive results. Thats less than 0.006%. Another advantage the Porn Detection Stick has is it doesnt simply look for .jpg images, it looks at every file to determine if it is an image by the file header and supports over 15 image formats.

Whether you think someone is viewing pornography on your computer or whether you think your machine was exposed to pornography unwillingly or by accident, the Porn Detection Stick will help you quickly investigate your computer and help you determine if pornographic images are present.

Additional Information

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