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├ 定位跟踪
├ 安防监控系统
├ 钢笔摄象机
├ 手表摄像机
├ 隐蔽摄像机
├ 行车记录仪
├ 隐蔽录音机
├ 通讯安全
├ 电脑安全
├ 野外生存
├ 夜视仪器
├ 定位跟踪
├ 警棍
├ 辣椒喷剂
├ 特别试剂
├ 各种徽章
├ 军警教材
├ 反监控监视
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├ 核生化探测
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├ 数码产品
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产品简介:此设备定位跟踪仪可以在世界上任何地方使用, 可连续两周不间断紧急语音提示跟踪

Quick Overview

Product Description

The new one is the most complete and affordable personal  device available today. The one combines accurate it monitoring and reporting with quad-mode capabilities resulting in a product ideal for asset management, personal safety .

The one  provides tracking, reporting and monitoring for up to 2 weeks, capable of updates every 5 seconds!

Works worldwide with both GPRS/SMS.

 quad-mode allows the device to operate from any location in the world. The one is equipped with GPS assist and works inside buildings and parking garages. 

This one offers a solution for GPS service providers and systems integrators interested in providing worldwide vehicle tracking, security and recovery services to their clients.

One-way emergency listening and two-way voice options makes the World Tracker PLD is an effective personal safety device.

Signing up is simple, just follow these 3 steps.

Step 1: Cellular Service Options

Best Value - UNLIMITED Service from from TrackingTheWorld.com.
$59.95 per month, 6 or 12 months prepayment required.

Use your own GSM/SMS enabled SIM card, $19.95 per month.

Use the Included SIM card, $19.95 per month.

Step 2: Tracking Website Access

Activate your Personal Tracking Page, $89.95 per year, recurring cost.

Step 3: Track using your Cell Phone (optional)

See your tracking device on your cell phone!

Activate your Cell Phone Tracking Viewer, $139.95 per year, recurring cost. (Optional)

Setup 4: Hardware Activation

Provide your personal and SIM card information to TrackingTheWorld.com

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版权所有:加拿大监视监控中心   中国地区免费国际长途直拨:950-4059 1855   直拨号码:604 249 8969